Baked Portobello Mushroom with Potato, Salmon and Mozarella Cheese

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Salmon patties

6-8 portobello mushroom (remove stem and pat dry, dust the inside with some corn flour)

200 g russet potato
100 g sweet potato
1/2 big onion – minced
1/2 egg white

150 g salmon fillet
4 tbsp fresh milk

150 g mozarella/ chedder cheese (50 g to mix with the potato mixture)
2 tbsp olive oil/butter
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 tsp Italian Mixed Herbs

1) Pre heat oven (200 C)
2) Steam the sweet potato and russet potato until soft, then drain and mash in a mixing bowl.
3) Put the salmon fillet into a bowl, add the milk and cover with cling film, make a few holes in the cling film and cook in the microwave for 11/2 minutes until it is cooked through, flake into the mashed potatoes, add 50 g of shredded cheese, egg whites, onions, butter and season with salt and black pepper to your preference. Stir to combine evenly.
4) Place the potobello mushroom on the baking sheets and fill them with the mixture.  Topped with mozarella shredded cheese, cherry tomato and baked in pre heated oven for 15-20 minutes or until the mushroom is cooked and top is golden in colour.

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